Harry Englebright

Representative | Republican | California

Harry EnglebrightENGLEBRIGHT, HARRY LANE, (son of William F. Englebright), a Representative from California; born in Nevada City, Nevada County, Calif., January 2, 1884; attended the public schools; attended the University of California at Berkeley; was graduated as a mining engineer, and followed his profession; mineral inspector for the field division of the General Land Office, and also engineer for the State Conservation Commission of California 1911-1914; actively connected with various mining enterprises in California; elected as a Republican to the Sixty-ninth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John E. Raker; reelected to the Seventieth and to the eight succeeding Congresses and served from August 31, 1926, until his death; minority whip (Seventy-third through Seventy-eighth Congresses); died in Bethesda, Md., May 13, 1943; interment in Pine Grove Cemetery, Nevada City, Calif.

  1. Harry Englebright on Wikipedia