John Morehead

Representative | Democrat | Nebraska

John MoreheadMOREHEAD, JOHN HENRY, a Representative from Nebraska; born on a farm near Columbia, Lucas County, Iowa, December 3, 1861; attended the public schools and a business college in Shenandoah, Iowa; moved to Nebraska in 1884 and settled in Richardson County; taught in a country school; engaged in agricultural pursuits and in the mercantile and banking business at Barada, Nebr.; moved to Falls City, Nebr., in 1895; treasurer of Richardson County 1896-1899; mayor of Falls City in 1900; member of the State senate 1910-1912, serving as president pro tempore; upon the death of the Lieutenant Governor he succeeded to that office, as provided by the State constitution; Governor of Nebraska 1913-1917; unsuccessful candidate for election to the United States Senate in 1918 and for Governor of Nebraska in 1920; elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-eighth and to the five succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1923-January 3, 1935); chairman, Committee on Memorials (Seventy-second and Seventy-third Congresses); was not a candidate for renomination in 1934; resumed agricultural pursuits and also engaged in the real estate business; delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1940; died in St. Joseph, Mo., May 31, 1942; interment in Steele Cemetery, Falls City, Nebr.

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