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Alexander Stephens Representative GA
Charles Fenton Mercer Representative VA
Charles Wickliffe Representative KY
Daniel Webster Representative NH
Edward Cabell Representative FL
George Dunn Treasurer IN
Henry Clay Representative KY
Horace Everett Representative VT
James Pearce Senator MD
John Bell Representative TN
John Clayton Secretary of State DE
John Crittenden Secretary of State KY
John Davis Representative MA
John Quincy Adams Representative MA
John Sergeant Representative PA
John Tyler Representative VA
John White Representative KY
Jonathan Jennings Representative IN
Lewis Williams Representative NC
Millard Fillmore Representative NY
Robert Charles Winthrop Representative MA
Robert Toombs Representative GA
Samuel Southard Sec. of Navy NJ
Thaddeus Stevens Representative PA
Thomas Corwin Representative OH
William Hendricks Representative IN
William Henry Harrison Representative OH
William Slade Secretary of State VT
Willie Mangum Representative NC